JFActivist blog: How the Republicans and Democrats are Talking About Disability

…. Therefore, federal funds should not be used for drugs that cause the destruction of human life. Furthermore, the Drug Enforcement Administration ban on use of controlled substances for physician-assisted suicide should be restored. (from the section “Maintaining the Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life”) – Respect for life requires efforts to include persons with disabilities in education, employment, the justice system, and civic participation. I…

Celebrating Benjamin Franklin’s Contributions to PWDs – Technology and Satire

…ded who ought not to be included in the list, nor paid for as dead; but I trust you will not overlook my instructions to you on quitting Cassel, and that you will not have tried by human succor to recall the life of the unfortunates whose days could not be lengthened but by the loss of a leg or an arm. That would be making them a pernicious present, and I am sure they would rather die than live in a condition no longer fit for my service. I do not…

Canada: Woman Goes on Hunger Strike After Being Denied Basic Care – Help Needed

…tation which is included at the end of her blog post: We in the disability human rights community have an opportunity to save a life. A quick summary: a woman with disabilities in Sudsbury, Ontario, Canada (Minna Mettinen- Kekalainen) is SUPPOSED to be receiving home care services. The North East Community Care Access Center has been denying her these services. Minna says this is because she had complained about their nurses because they had faile…

Catching up #2: Ari Ne’eman in HuffPo: Health Care Reform and the Disability Community

…aid, the disability community interacts with the public health care infrastructure in the United States in a wide variety of ways. As we consider how to reform, streamline and expand that infrastructure through any of a variety of means, it is incumbent upon us to remember the key issues for making sure that health care reform doesn’t leave disabled adults and youth behind. He goes on to list four key issues in health care reform that relate to th…

Peter Singer in NY Times Magazine: Disability Community Responds!

…ev. Nan Hildebrand Susan Houston Dania Jekel Bob Kafka Neil Kapit Denise Karuth Tom Keogh Molly King Joseph F. Kras, MD, DDS Sandra Gail Lambert Sharon Lamp Aubrie Lee Jessica Lehman Miriam Levine Victoria Lewis, Ph.D. Patricia Lockwood MS Madonna Long Ruth Deale Lowenkron Calvin Luker Tricia Luker Liz Lyons David K. March Patricia A Martin Theresa A. Martinosky Ben Mattlin Julie V. Maury Ryan McDuffee Eileen McGinn Tina Minkowitz, Esq. Jacinda Mo…