Disability Activists “Greet” Euthanasia Activist in San Francisco

…believes that anyone, including teenagers, should be able to get suicide drugs on demand. He thinks lethal drugs should be available to “anyone who wants it, including the depressed, the elderly bereaved, [and] the troubled teen … .” [Kathryn Lopez, “Euthanasia Sets Sail,” National Review Online, June 5, 2001.] Nitschke calls for suicide on demand at a time when drastic budget cuts in many states are slashing funding for crisis counseling and sui…

American Medical News – “Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy” (NDY Quoted)

…ders of this blog will know that the comment about Kevorkian’s advocacy of human experimentation is incomplete. His agenda was always to use “planned death” (execution, infanticide, assisted suicide, etc.) as an opportunity to keep someone alive and sedated for a few hours or days while experimenting on them, followed by organ harvesting. His assisted suicide activities were part of that agenda. Likewise, when “mobility” is mentioned as a social p…

NY Times: David Brooks says “self-enclosed skin bags” who want to live are driving the country into bankruptcy

…e companies and Medicare and Medicaid end coverage for the most expensive drugs, procedures and tests, and people by the millions suddenly find they can no longer get the drugs and treatments they have depended on, is that “coercive?” After all, they can decide to stop paying their rent or eating as much, and if they are wealthy, they can continue to receive the best medical care money can buy. And that’s the type of rationing that conservatives e…

Can people on Medicaid sue states to stop budget cuts?

…-the-court brief filed by former officials of the Department of Health and Human Services that said, “Fewer than 500 federal employees are today tasked with supervising 56 different Medicaid programs administering nearly $400 billion in federal funds every year.” It followed, the former officials said, that exclusive enforcement by the federal agency was “logistically, practically, legally and politically unfeasible.” For links to 11 major news ou…