NDY Vlog Episode 2: Suicide Prevention and the Disability Double Standard

…t the way patients are treated, let’s assume for the sake of this hypothetical scenario that the only difference between these two patients is their disability status. In scenario one, we have a person who does not have disabilities other than mental health challenges. This person shows up to the hospital with an intent and plan to die by suicide. Maybe they’ve already made an attempt, and have been brought to the hospital by someone else. When th…

Montana: Diane Coleman Letter on Elder Abuse and Assisted Suicide Published in Missoulian

…that we are extremely concerned that assisted suicide, sometimes euphemistically called “aid in dying,” could be legalized in Montana. It is estimated that there are 21,265 cases of elder abuse annually in Montana, reported and unreported (http://web.archive.org/web/20101021101332/http://www.eadaily.com/15/elder-abuse-statistics/). Statistically, 90 percent of elder abusers are a family member or trusted other. Similarly, people with disabilities

Followup on Betancourt v. Trinitas – Reports, Coverage and More

…stances of Mr. Jackson’s mother’s passing. He has advocated with courtesy, valor, and professionalism for his clients, and I wish him and his family all the very best. This case may potentially continue, and he is a worthy participant. My mom had stage 4 lung cancer and suffered a heart attack. I learned today that my sister in N.C. had to fight with an ER doctor who wanted to revive my mother, AGAINST my mother’s wishes that extreme measures not…

NY Times: Montana Court to Rule on Assisted Suicide Case (NDY Quoted)

…but less. Mr. Liston, an organizer for a national disability-rights group called Not Dead Yet, said he envisioned people like himself being nudged toward life-ending choices by their doctors or families, out of compassion or perhaps convenience. “People with disabilities don’t get to live with dignity, let alone die with dignity,” he said. Other opponents of a “right to die well,” as some are calling the argument made by Mr. Baxter and the group…

We’ve Lost A Strong and Gentle Warrior Hero – Bob Liston

…tana, and years later in 2017, Bob joined the NDY Board. Here’s a biographical sketch about Bob that concentrates on the years in Montana, and below that, two of my favorite photos that people have posted these last two days: Bob Liston was an original member of Not Dead Yet, and participated in multiple actions in Michigan against Jack Kevorkian, the Hemlock Society, an Ethics conference and the Michigan Legislature when it sought, and failed, to…