…Times, 02/24/24) Lisa Beaudoin: Opinion: The misguided rhetoric of the End-of-Life Options bill (Concord Monitor 02/12/24) Kathy Jo Ware: Promoters of physician-assisted suicide ignore ways that could improve people’s lives (Minnesota Post, 02/06/24) Joan Cavanagh: Medical-assisted suicide endangers our most vulnerable (CT Mirror, 11/01/23) Lisa Blumberg: Assisted Suicide Laws Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (Newsweek, 09/11/23) Terri…
…criterion and made it the linchpin of their new medical “treatment,” state-approved barbiturate poisoning. Assisted suicide laws turn the best outcome under hospice – proving you weren’t terminal after all – into the worst possible end for people who might live months, years, or decades longer, but are instead persuaded (or coerced) under threat of agonizing death or tarnished legacy to commit suicide. In Massachusetts we had the example of longt…
…16, embedded video link, http://notdeadyet.org/2016/06/video-the-disability-community-responds-to-me-before-you-movie.html [5] https://www.worldrtd.net/fr/member-organizations [6] https://www.worldrtd.net/fr/node/121 [7] “Philip Nitschke invents suicide capsule with 3D printer,” The Australian, Nov. 25, 2017, https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/philip-nitschke-invents-suicide-capsule-with-3d-printer/news-story/318561693f3a6eee1e10…
…who will be impacted by this piece of bad social policy. Invidious quality-of-life judgments have no place in social policy. Reject this bill and the discrimination it promotes. Thank you very much. Crosby King 302 E. Joppa Rd. Apt. 1710 Towson, MD 21286 410-336-5152 Links to Sources: Associated Press, “Bend Couple Goes to Trial on Fraud Charges,” Ventura County Star, January 14, 2013 http://tinyurl.com/lwh7z4p Ira Byock, “Vermont: Testimon…
…-perception-of-patients-with-disability/; https://consu mer.healthday.com/2-2-too-many-u-s-doctors-have-stigmas-about-patients-with-disabilities-2650155105.html https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2022-right-wrong-rpt-6015870#3 https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2022-right-wrong-rpt-6015870#6 https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2022-right-wrong-rpt-6015870#7 https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/ProviderPartnerResources/EvaluationResearch/DeathwithDignityAc…