Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill

…ess required, there is no evidence that they self-administered the lethal drugs, or even that they consented at the time of death. These bills have to be considered in light of the sad reality that not all seriously ill people have loving family. Assisted suicide laws grant blanket immunity and effectively foreclose investigation of wrongdoing. Moreover, as a person who has been disabled all of my life, I’ve learned that some of the health care th…

Paul Gallico, Disability and Love: How and why he changed the ending to “The Snow Goose”

…ounded by gunshot and many miles from home, is found by Fritha and, as the human friendship blossoms, the bird is nursed back to flight, and revisits the lighthouse in its migration for several years. As Fritha grows up, Rhayader and his small sailboat eventually are lost in the British retreat from Dunkirk, having saved several hundred men. The bird, which was with Rhayader, returns briefly to the grown Fritha on the marshes. She interprets this…

John Kelly’s Full Written Testimony In Opposition to New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill

…approve of laws that would allow a physician to prescribe lethal doses of drugs that a terminally ill patient could use to commit suicide.” Physicians for Compassionate Care, “Five Oregonians to Remember.” Portland Tribune, “Another Case for Nursing Reform.” July 9, 2007 YouTube, “Ba…

NDY UK Issues Statement on Assisted Suicide Case Brought By Man with ALS

…equality to protect us in death. Instead we will continue to campaign for truly equal rights for all ill and disabled people so that living with impairment is no longer perceived as ‘undignified’ and death by illness is not uniquely viewed as a ‘bad death’. We support people everywhere who continue to fight for access to appropriate care and support in life as well as effective and appropriate palliative care and support in death. 21 February, 201…

ADAPT’s Powerful Statement in Response to US House Passage of “Healthcare” Law

…to provide tax breaks to the wealthiest of our nation. Indeed, President Trump campaigned on a promise that there would be no cuts to Medicaid. Now, more than ever, it is critical that disabled and elderly individuals, their families, and their advocates understand the dangerous implications of this legislation and become politically active. Although AHCA has passed the House, it still must pass the US Senate before it can be signed into law. We…