Delaware NDY’s Daniese McMullin-Powell: Testimony Against Assisted Suicide Bill

…ssed, holding leash with service dog sitting next to her. House Health and Human Development Committee June 7, 2017 Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware Not Dead Yet OPPOSE HB 160, End of Life Options Doctors will be prescribing barbiturates with instructions to ingest 100 pills on an empty stomach to cause your death by overdose, and then, falsify your death certificate. Diagnoses of terminal illness is too often wrong, leading some to give up on tr…

Lisa Blumberg: What Principles Should Govern Charlie Gard’s Case?

…and cherished elements of ethical care…the alleviation and minimization of human suffering.” So, suck it up, Americans! Actually, the case is a much greater cause Celebre in Britain than it is over here. I cannot comment on the decisions in the Gard case. I haven’t read them. However, is it possible – just possible – that a court in dealing a similar scenario might range beyond the well-being of the person involved and factor in public policy cons…

National ADAPT Saves Our Lives and Liberty AGAIN!

…Nearly 200 Protesters Arrested Demonstrating Against GOP Health Care Bill Trumpcare Is Dead. Long Live the Trumpcare Opposition. Today, ADAPT is at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protesting the torture of people with disabilities at the infamous Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, and demanding that HHS make our Supreme Court affirmed civil right to in-home long term care services more than words on a page, but a reality of…

W. Carol Cleigh: Bigotry in the BDTD (Better Dead Than Disabled) Movement

…ese, as with all of this, is that it’s difficult to tell if the death was truly voluntary once the person who supposedly volunteered can no longer protest. Unfortunately, there is a presumption that death was voluntary in the case of old, ill or disabled victims and law-enforcement seldom if ever fully investigates these deaths (…

Stephanie Woodward’s Testimony for ADAPT Opposing NY Assisted Suicide Bills

…olent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. ADAPT is comprised of disabled people who know firsthand what it’s like to have doctors, family, friends, and strangers tell us that our lives are not worth living. ADAPT is strongly opposed to the legalization of assisted suicide in New York State. Though ADAPT has been fighting for the lives and liberty of disab…