ASAN Announces 7th Annual Day of Mourning – Join in 2018 Events Across U.S.

…al work of our volunteer site coordinators. Click here to learn about what site coordinators do, or to sign up to lead a vigil. Since 2012, ASAN, ADAPT, Not Dead Yet, the National Council on Independent Living, the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, the American Association of People with Disabilities, and other disability rights organizations have come together to send a clear message that disability is not a justification for violence….

Hydrocephalus, Spina Bifida and Medical Killing – Current News from DRI and a History Supplement from Me

…n about the organization than that and I encourage people to explore DRI’s site at the links provided above. The message from Laurie Ahern regarded, in part, the baby boy seen in the picture below. The picture above is of a 6 month old boy lying in a crib whose head recently burst due to untreated hydrocephalus. Doctors expect the boy to die “anytime.” source: The following message can b…

Breaking News: Billionaire Buys the Rights to Livestream Assisted Suicide of Cancer Patient

…e fulfilling David’s conception of BattleCam as a “social experiment.” The site, he said, “generates zero revenue, and even though I have developed some interesting ideas to commercialize it, it is really just my favorite toy. It is here forever. All the members of BattleCam make the site interesting and compelling and it really has grown into a fascinating community. Cynics would say [it is populated by] degenerates and low lifes, but I totally d…

Disability Activists, Assisted Suicide and the Land of Oz

…my, the legalization of physician-assisted suicide has served to diminish true choice by creating an environment in which individuals denied access to necessary health care are made to feel like suicide is their preferred option. By advocating for so-called death with dignity, rather than the support and services people need to live, proponents of such laws bolster a system already denying dignity to hundreds of thousands of Americans with disabil…

ADAPT’s Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19 On Barrier Free Futures

…Yet and if you have the DREDF one also, but if not they can get it on your site. But this is important, if you could give that information. Diane Coleman: Sure. Well, our website is Just three words all together, no spaces,, and then DREDF is Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, the acronym and actually, if you just go there at this point, the first thing there is the COVID, the link to their C…