Media Coverage and Links to testimony of ‘Second Thoughts’ members before MA legislative hearing on Assisted Suicide

…e information on the Massachusetts battle on assisted suicide. We’ll share what the group is doing here, but most of the time it will appear at the Second Thoughts site first – and there’s a lot to check out on the site that I haven’t mentioned here. –Stephen Drake…

The “Right to Die” Expands Into New Territory

…uarantee they’re nothing like what you would expect. On May 10th, Delaware Online featured a story by reporter Sean O’Sullivan titled “Lawyers spar over killer’s right to die.” On May 12th, in Louisiana featured a story by reporter Jim Shannon titled “Right to die bill passes through House committee.” The stories both deal with the death penalty. Personally, I think that “right to be executed” would be a more accurate term for the stories…

HBO Is Making Sure We Don’t Know Jack About Jack Kevorkian

…e “terminally ill?” It’s because that’s what HBO is telling them on its website (and probably implies in the docudrama): You Don’t Know Jack begins as 61-year-old former pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Al Pacino) launches his crusade to provide what he considers to be a humane and dignified option for the terminally ill – assisted suicide. As the data from the Detroit Free Press (and corroborated by others) shows, HBO is misrepresenting Kevorkian’…

Suicide Promotion During Suicide Prevention Week – Blog from Wesley Smith and a Little More from Me

…sed to Final Exit’s mission, just how they’re delivering the message. “I visited the website and it’s populated by elderly folks who are at the end of a very long life and are in pain,” she said. “That’s a whole different issue to me.” What you just read was a suicide prevention professional throwing elderly people under the bus. But we already knew that. Mostly, I want to break the silence of the suicide prevention organizations. But part of me i…

Five Things a “” Author Really DIDN’T Know About Assisted Suicide

…lives and culture, and provide ways to make a difference. TakePart is a website, for one, and also a Social Action Network that includes individuals, NGOs, online communities and brands who share a common interest in making the world a better place. We are a division of Participant Media, which has produced culture-shifting films such as An Inconvenient Truth, The Cove, and Waiting for Superman. To date, Participant has developed programs and acti…