Would You Rather Die Than Go To A Nursing Facility? Time For the Community Integration Act!

…y individual who is at the institutional level of care must be provided equal opportunity to receive home and community based services. The state also needs to meet new requirements for providing home and community based services. The legislation has a section that defines and strengthens key terms including the definition of “home and community based”. The legislation includes a section that addressed the ways that states limit or restrict access…

NDY Articles and Letters Published in NJ Press Kick Butt

…o attend all those fancy conferences that proponents use to hob nob with influential professionals and policy makers. I was just a teensy bit irritated by yet another such accusation, especially coming from an editorial board of a prominent paper, so I pushed back with a letter to the editor to provide some “clarification.” My letter was published July 1st. It appeared under a photo of a patient and medical professional, accurately captioned “The…

It’s (Long Past) Time for the U.S. To Ratify the United Nations Disability Treaty

…n the provision of health insurance, . . . ; f) Prevent discriminatory denial of health care or health services or food and fluids on the basis of disability. Obviously, subsection “f” directly states Not Dead Yet’s goal to prevent the withholding of health care, and even food and fluids, on the basis of disability. Sadly, we know that this happens in the U.S.and elsewhere. Not Dead Yet has been talking about it for years, and this year our concer…

NDY quoted in article on New Mexico assisted suicide case

…slative determination is particularly important given the significant medical legal and ethical concerns about legalized physician assisted suicide that have been raised across the country. Among the other difficult and important public policy concerns that the legislature would have to evaluate – and is uniquely positioned in our system of government to evaluate – are the following: – Whether physician-assisted suicide threatens the most vulnerab…

RELEASE: NDY CEO Diane Coleman Addresses Adv. Care Planning and ‘End of Life’ Conference May 31 in Chicago

…and the UK is reflective of the increasing importance that the international healthcare sector is placing on this pertinent area of patient care.” The Conference overview speaks to health care providers, emphasizing that, “As we continuously aim to provide an ever-increasing high standard of care to our patients, we recognise the need to research, examine, develop and learn with each other. At ACPEL 2012, we will therefore hear from a wide range…