Disability Activists in the UK Push Back Against BBC and Terry Pratchett Promotion of Assisted Suicide

…, the pro-euthanasia campaign seems to be increasing in power – both politically and in the media. It sounds a little like the United States, doesn’t it? Truthfully, people in the US who are old, ill, poor and/or disabled haven’t gotten to feel the full brunt of the budget axe yet, but we can see it coming. I reckon we’re a year or two at most until we’re really facing the realities of what are now merely threats (for the most part). And – especia…

Suicide Promotion During Suicide Prevention Week – Blog from Wesley Smith and a Little More from Me

…e an awful lot of news dedicated to the promotion of suicide during the so-called “National Suicide Prevention Week.” It’s been obvious to a number of us who’ve been dealing with these issues that the suicide prevention community has been MIA for years. It’s gotten to the point where I doubt that reporters even think – on their own – to call someone from a suicide prevention organization when doing a story on, for example, Final Exit Network (FEN)…

Text of Response to Dr. Phil Segment ‘Deadly Consequences’ with List of National, State and Local Signons.

…sabilities. This outrageous proposal was portrayed in such an extremely unbalanced manner as to amount to a promotion of such a deadly proposition. The show centered on Annette Corriveau, who has two adult children who have a progressive genetic condition called Sanfilippo syndrome. The show opened with a brief introduction of Corriveau, followed by an interview of her conducted by one of the producers. Over the course of the opening which took mo…

Train Wrecks and Being Bushwacked in the Land of Oz – Bill Peace, Danny Robert and Nadina LaSpina report on the Oz Show

…rote that he and Diane Coleman might be on a syndicated television program called Doctor Oz. The subject was assisted suicide, not exactly the usual afternoon television fodder. To say I was skeptical would be too generous—daytime television is not exactly known for quality programming and I had never heard of Dr. Oz. As it turns out Drake and Coleman could not appear. I decided to attend knowing some members of Not Dead Yet would be present as we…

RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

…ic… (very exploitative). Then the ventilator mask came off (the ventilator alarmed briefly) and Dana began to speak. She said she had been living with the progression of ALS for 8 years and she was tired. She hated having to depend on others for her care and she couldn’t take it anymore. She said she was depressed, lonely, had no friends left and she wanted to die. Nadina [my life partner] and I looked at each other and said “that’s why she wants…