RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

…disabled individual and family supporting assisted suicide, which was not comparably sought or obtained from a disabled individual and family opposing assisted suicide. Ne’eman was also given the opportunity to speak during the two-hour taping. His comments were not included in the final one hour broadcast, but were included in two online video segments (part 1, part 2). Ne’eman was also invited to submit a written article on the topic which is f…

Lisa Blumberg: The Little Known Issue of Medical Deportations by Hospitals

…ient’s authorized caregiver. This practice is usually not in the patient’s best medical interests and typically results in poorer health outcomes or even death for the removed patient. Hospitals disguise the practice as medical repatriation—when a patient who is traveling or working abroad wants to return to their home country to receive medical care. But this is not medical repatriation. Medical deportations happen all across the U.S. but are rar…

Mike Reynolds: New Hampshire Bill Promotes Assisted Suicide for “Embarrassing Indignities”

…ience of the laws in Oregon as a guide, the question of assisted suicide becomes, quite frankly, incompatible with New Hampshire values. [The] state motto, “Live Free or Die,” means we reject government interference in our daily lives. Oregon state government’s promotion of an assisted suicide program administered by the health care system means pushing people towards assisted suicide through denials of coverage for treatment and in-home care, cov…

Amy Hasbrouck: The ADA is Not Dead Yet and So Are We

…as if your life depended on it, because it does.” Be well -AH Amy Hasbrouck Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet tigrlily61 @ | Skype: tigrlily 450-921-3057 Valleyfield, Québec, Canada…