Not Dead Yet Annual Report:  October 2021 – September 2022

…rights perspective on topics related to assisted suicide, euthanasia, medical ethics, third party decisions to withhold life-sustaining medical treatment and homicides of persons with disabilities. There were over 51,611 views of the website during the reporting year, and NDY posted 143 Facebook entries and 240 tweets. NDY created two video blogs on NDY topics, and a number of presentations were recorded on Zoom and made available. NDY wrote two…

Do you LOVE Not Dead Yet?

…ttorneys across the country. Let us know if you might be willing for us to call on you from time to time to see if you can help us out in your state! Community Organizers. Whether it’s advocacy at the statehouse or a protest at an assisted suicide or bioethics conference, we’d love to hear from you if you’re willing to join us as a participant or organizer when the rubber meets the road! Letters to the Editor. Has the assisted suicide fight come t…

Last Day to Submit Input to IOM Committee on Approaching Death – Personal Story

…following personal story involving some disturbing communications from medical professionals a couple years ago when I had some acute respiratory problems. Question 1: If you are an individual living with a serious progressive illness or condition, or a loved one of an individual please describe your experiences receiving care. Your stories may include how you have talked with health care providers, your family, and friends; how you have discussed…

Robin Williams and the Hypocrisy of Suicide Prevention Organizations

…line, it comes very, very close to it,” said Christine Moutier, chief medical officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “Suicide should never be presented as an option. That’s a formula for potential contagion.” (Emphasis added.) Moutier is referring to a well-documented phenomenon, better-known as “copycat suicide,” in which media coverage or publicity around one death encourages other vulnerable people to commit suicide in the…

Press Release: NDY & 6 Other National Disability Groups Submit Friend-of-the-Court Brief in New Mexico Assisted Suicide Appeal

…ave been urged by physicians to remove life-sustaining treatment at a critical juncture and, after their families fought such recommendations, have survived and gone on to value their lives. Some members initially contemplated suicide following a severe and life-threatening injury, but were denied that option under prior law, and went on to value their lives. Each of the Disability Rights Amici brings a specific perspective to the policy debate ab…