New Jersey Senate Committee Shuts Out Disability Rights Community from Assisted Suicide Hearing

…n half of the New Jersey state groups listed are disability groups. Specifically, they are centers for independent living run by people with disabilities, and the statewide independent living council mandated by federal law to plan the state’s independent living services for people with disabilities of all ages. Nevertheless, in a move that has outraged both national and state disability rights advocates, the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Servic…

Not Dead Yet Applauds Second Thoughts Connecticut As Disability Advocates Prepare to Testify Against Assisted Suicide Bill

…oing to end up embracing a whole new ethic that confuses compassionate medical care with a prescription for death.” (Both Sides Get Ready To Debate End of Life Issues, CT News Junkie, March 16, 2015.) One of the leaders of Second Thoughts CT, Cathy Ludlum, was interviewed extensively about her concerns as a person with significant physical disabilities regarding the potential for “unintended consequences” and the difficulty of providing adequate s…

Not Dead Yet, ASAN and NCIL Weigh In on IOM Report on Dying in America

…rise to that lawsuit was the death of a thirteen-year-old boy with developmental disabilities, which serves as a stark example of how decisions about survivable illnesses can become “end-of-life” decisions as a result of doctors’ and substitute decision-makers’ negative attitudes about disability. For the full ASAN Statement, go here. The National Council on Independent Living expressed concerns about the risks that financial cost cutting pressure…

NDY Press Release: NDY Files Brief In New Mexico Assisted Suicide Case

…l to the state Supreme Court noted that the State Attorney General did not call witnesses or submit evidence of alleged any abuses in Oregon and Washington state where assisted suicide is legal. In their Supreme Court brief, the Disability Amici urge that, if the Court is not prepared to simply uphold the Court of Appeals at this stage, the Court should remand the case and allow one or more of the disability groups to assist the Attorney General o…

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…lf Advocacy Network IOM Statement Autistic Self Advocacy Network Letter to California Assembly Committee Opposing ABx2 15 Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19 BBC Radio: World Have Your Say (Debate – D Coleman, J Kelly, G Eighmey) Bloomberg Law – No Assisted Suicide Right, New York Court Says Carrie Ann Lucas Testimony in Opposition of Colorado SB 16-025 Comments to Organ Procurement and Transplantation Net…