…parities in healthcare lead to limited health choices and poorer health outcomes including death. Economic disparities make it less likely that patients can afford life-saving treatment and more likely that doctors will “write off” patients as terminal and thus eligible for assisted suicide. Blacks often die waiting for organ transplants. We are diagnosed with cancer at much later and less treatable stages. As stated above, we get inferior diabete…
…ce report, assisted suicide and palliative care are jumbled together as end-of-life care. Portions of the report read like a planning document for the implementation of assisted suicide if the bill is enacted. For example, it encourages lawmakers to mandate that insurers offer coverage for assisted suicide. (pp. 32-36) The slant of the report is evident right from the beginning of the introduction which states: “To address the experience of some t…
…/notdeadyet.org/2013/01/vermont-testimony-of-ira-byock-md-to-vermont-senate-committee-on-health-and-welfare-hearing-on-end-of-life-choices.html. [3] For example, (Gerhart, K. A., Kozoil-McLain, J., Lowenstein, S.R., & Whiteneck, G.G. (1994). Quality of life following spinal cord injury: knowledge and attitudes of emergency care providers. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 23, 807-812; Cushman, L.A & Dijkers, M.P. (1990). Depressed mood in spinal cord…
…9484943 [2] National POLST Paradigm Task Force http://www.polst.org/develop-a-program/program-requirements/# Level 3: Program Requirements for Endorsed POLST Paradigm Programs [3] New Jersey and Nevada. [4] CANHR Policy Brief, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (“POLST”), Problems and Recommendations http://www.canhr.org/reports/2010/POLST_WhitePaper.pdf [5] See, e.g., www.adapt.org. [6] Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of…
…e, 12-1 Central time, 11-12 Mountain time, 10-11 am Pacific time Call-in: 1-515-739-1285 Passcode: 521847# To join through your computer, go to: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/organizersforum Chronic pain is a major issue for many disabled folks. In light of recent efforts to curb opioid abuse and overdoses, people with chronic pain have been facing increasing barriers to adequate pain management. This call will talk about the major issue…