Anita Cameron: Not Dead Yet Supports the Disability Integration Act 

…ef. ADAPT logo: Free Our People top, wheelchair access symbol with arms up breaking chains center, ADAPT below The Disability Integration Act had 42 cosponsors when it was reintroduced in the House in the 116th Congress on January 15, 2019, the 90th anniversary of the birth of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. At this writing, there are 232 cosponsors. The bill has a majority in the House, as well as the committees and subcommittees of jurisdiction…

Marilyn Golden: Keep the safeguards in California’s ‘End-of-Life’ law

…ory of the End of Life Options Act, as well as a patient healthcare infrastructure pushed to the breaking point by the COVID pandemic, it is neither wise nor appropriate to remove any of the law’s protections. Further, any effort to expand assisted suicide policy in California is in stark contrast to the on-going, unresolved debate on healthcare disparity and inequity within ethnic and minority communities who lack access to palliative, hospice an…

New Mobility Highlights “2016 People of the Year: The Resisters”

…o defend the lives that are so often devalued by others. This year, we are breaking from our tradition of naming one Person of the Year to instead honor the activists who we are collectively calling The Resisters: Carrie Ann Lucas, TK Small, Emily Wolinsky, Diane Coleman, Dominick Evans, Tari Hartman Squire, Ellen Stohl and so many more. Lead on! Please go to New Mobility and read the entire story. (Editor’s note: New Mobility is an important asse…

Philadelphia: Young Girl Being Denied Transplant Because Her “Retardation” Doesn’t Make Her “Worthy”

…ation I shared on this blog that’s very relevant in the immediate present: Ruben Navarro would probably have been rejected out of hand as eligible for being a recipient if he had needed a transplant. It makes the circus of horrors accompanying the rush to make him a donor all the more appalling. No one knows how many individuals with cognitive disabilities experience discrimination – even fatal discrimination – in the US medical system. But every…

RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

…also didn’t want her to suffer anymore. Dana’s daughter said: “It’s heart-breaking, unbearable to watch her suffer. She’s had enough.” Dana’s sister, who has her health care proxy, reiterated: “She can’t take it anymore. She’s suffered enough.” It was obvious to us (but I guess to no one else) that the family had “had enough.” Perhaps unintentionally, the episode demonstrated one of the significant reasons that Not Dead Yet opposes assisted suici…