Amicus Brief of Not Dead Yet et al (Disability Rights Amici) in Myers v. Schneiderman in NY Appellate Division

…ith Dignity case, DHS says, March 4, 2005 (   [36] Oregon Death With Dignity Act, ORS 127.865, Washington Death With Dignity Act, RCW 70.245 [37] Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act – 2014, page 6, Oregon Public Health Division (   [38] See footnote 34 and additional authori…

More on Double Euthanasia in Belgium, National Federation of the Blind Reacts, and Other Suicides in the News

…we treat animals better than humans.” The lack of statements like those struck me because they’re common sentiments expressed in article “comments,” and interactions on Facebook when people react to “double euthanasia” of Marc and Eddy Verbessem, the identical twins whose deaths are still making news. I think that we don’t see those comments in the cases of Aaron Swartz and the military because those people are valued. I know that euthanasia prop…

Canada: Council of Canadians with Disabilities Respond to Global News’ Promotion of Killing Disabled People

…ch 16, this blog posted a hasty alert about a Live Blog on Canada’s Global News devoted to the promotion of legalizing the killing of disabled kids (and adults, as it turned out). I’ll try to find some time in the future to write something about being a participant in that repugnant experience. Right now, I have a heartening response to Global News to share: The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) defines itself this way: CCD is a nationa…

Canada: Global News Live Blogging Promotion of Killing Disabled Kids Tonight (March 16)

…chafer, who is on record as being in favor about just about any killing of old, ill or disabled persons as long as the killer says they did it out of mercy. The live blog is starting at 8:00 pm EST and will run until midnight. They are already taking comments (which run by a moderator. Go here to access the main site for the live blog. Go here to start submitting comments now. –Stephen Drake…

American Medical News Reports on Georgia Sup. Court Overturn of Asst. Suicide Law – Eleanor Smith quoted

…ews has an article out today about the Georgia Supreme Court decision that ruled the state’s assisted suicide law unconstitutional. (We referred to the legislation as “half-assed.”) The decision has the immediate effect of negating the charges against members of the Final Exit Network (FEN). The account is pretty straightforward and is pretty good at referring what the group says they do instead of reporting their claims as fact. I have only on su…