Jules Good: NDY Recognizes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

…mple, when they talk about the high cost of care for that person, or the struggles that come with moving them into a family member’s home, as is more often the case when structural supports for home and community-based services are absent in communities.[5] Legalizing assisted suicide opens up another avenue for elders to be abused and killed. Finally, older adults may feel pressured to request assisted suicide because, as the Oregon assisted suic…

PRESS RELEASE: NDY Activists React to News of Kevorkian’s Death

…500 people with disabilities chanting “Not Dead Yet” was heard around the world. Since then, eleven other national disability rights groups have joined NDY in opposing legalized assisted suicide, chapters have taken action in over 30 states, and we helped put Jack Kevorkian behind bars in 1999. Not Dead Yet continues to help lead and organize the disability community in resisting the legalization of assisted suicide, euthanasia and other public p…

News on Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen: Home Care Resumed, But Problems Remain

…rizing here), the nurse that arrived seemed to be doing the best that she could, but was operating from incomplete/incorrect medical orders. And the nurse, of course, is limited to what she can do – according to the instructions/orders she’s been given. Hopefully, this is something that can be worked out fairly simply. Getting medical instructions corrected can’t be that big a deal – can it? Let’s hope not, anyway. –Stephen Drake…

Diane Coleman Letter Published in Buffalo News

…rs do the right thing or the cheap thing? Unfortunately, the title Buffalo News gave it – “Many would not choose physician assisted suicide” – missed the point. Still, we appreciate that it was published. Here’s the letter: Anyone who has received a health insurance denial knows something about the cost cutting pressures in the health care system. I have good employer sponsored insurance, but just received my second denial in two years of breathin…

Lisa Blumberg: Life, Liberty and Security in Canada – Is this the way we are headed?

…port , November-December 2002 https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/trudeau-defends-use-of-two-planes-calls-tory-criticism-a-far-right-tactic https://montrealgazette.com/news/quebec/quebec-patients-to-take-their-time-after-winning-right-to-die http://www.slaw.ca/2019/09/17/challenging-the-quebec-end-of-life-legislation-and-medically-assisted-dying-in-truchon/ https://www.aacpdm.org/UserFiles/file/fact-sheet-spine-072415.pdf https:/…