Ethicist Thaddeus Mason Pope Predicts Assisted Suicide Will Expand into Legalized Euthanasia Covered by Medicare

Photo of Lisa Blumberg, head and shoulders shot of a smiling woman with short gray hair and a dark blue blouse seated with a desk of files and books in the background.
Lisa Blumberg

By Lisa Blumberg

Currently the several states that have legalized assisted suicide adhere to the Oregon model, the two most significant aspects of which are that assisted suicide is restricted to those presumed to have less than six months to live and the lethal drugs, once obtained, must be self-administered. Opponents of assisted suicide see the evolution of assisted suicide in other countries into euthanasia for broad based groups as a cautionary tale. Some supporters though see it as a goal, and they are becoming bolder in expressing their views.

Ethicist Thaddeus Mason Pope in an article published in the ABA Experience Magazine and reprinted in the Good Death Society Blog enthusiastically predicts that there will be major expansions to assisted suicide laws, with the end result being euthanasia available to anyone who can be seen to have a “grievous and irremediable medical condition” and provided free of charge to Medicare recipients with lethal injection as an option. He does not say why this would be a positive social development nor does he discuss the ethics of garnering public support for the passage of assisted suicide laws by touting minimal restrictive criteria as safeguards and then a few years later removing them. Pope refers to loosening the criteria as reforms.

Pope begins by discussing the expansions that are occurring now. Barriers to “medical tourism” (his term) have been dropping. The states where the residency requirement has been eliminated can now become like Switzerland, offering death to anyone from wherever who is thought to meet the criteria.

A few states now allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to prescribe the drug cocktail, as if assisted suicide is a routine medical matter and that determining the prognosis for life expectancy does not require advanced skill. As one California legislator who urged a radical expansion of the already expanded California assisted suicide law has noted, a six month prognosis can be a “faulty metric” anyway.

Third, some states have reduced the waiting time between the two requests for a deadly prescription from fifteen days to 48 hours and in some circumstances, have waived it altogether, a period of reflection before making such a profound and irreversible decision being considered no longer necessary.

Pope then lists other expansions that may be on the way:

Six Month Prognosis – Pope sees the requirement that a person have a six-month life expectancy as “unusual” compared to a country like Canada which uses a “grievous and irremediable medical condition” as the threshold eligibility requirement. The term tends to be tied to some notion of physical or psychological suffering and decreasing loss of function or capability. Open-ended and ambiguous, it could sweep in a wide range of people with significant permanent disabilities.

Since disability “quality of life” biases are endemic in medical settings, it would be rather easy for a noticeably disabled person to find providers that they could convince of their suffering. Indeed, some doctors take the initiative of suggesting to such a person that they do suffer. Moreover, when combined with the impairments of aging, the functional limitations of virtually any disability will increase. We are all declining. (Given the disability bulge among the baby boomers, the intersection of aging with lifelong disability is a ticking time bomb that society has no will to deal with.) It is not too much of a stretch to say that the proposed change would open up eligibility to anyone whose ongoing disability causes them to be devalued.

Advance directives – Pope notes efforts in Canada which he seems to view as the gold standard, to allow people who fear dementia to arrange for “aid in dying” ahead of time. It’s not exactly clear how he thinks this would work. What if when the advance directives are triggered, the person exhibits no interest in death? Setting aside philosophical discourse on which personality should have the final say, this might be entering the realm of active, involuntary euthanasia. 

Assisted Self-Administration – Pope mentions the federal lawsuit challenging the self-administration requirement as violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. He refers to the concept of “assisted self-administration” but assisted suicide laws are already interpreted to allow for that. For example, someone else can mix up the potion, put a straw in it and give it to the person who drinks. What is being considered here is presumably voluntary euthanasia. The person speaks or makes a sign of assent and then the provider essentially causes the death (as opposed to providing the means for death).

Intravenous Administration – Pope predicts that intravenous infusion of the deadly drugs and lethal injection will soon to be allowed as a reliable, safe and effective way to cause death. Perhaps, Pope is unfamiliar with botched executionsespecially when lethal injection is involved. The idea of euthanasia by this means though really is not so new in America. It harkens back to the days of Jack Kevorkian except that it would be legal.

Medicare Coverage – Medicare doesn’t cover dental cleanings or hearing aids but there are efforts to have Medicare cover so-called “aid in dying”. This would presumably be coverage for whatever form of assisted suicide or euthanasia that a state enacted but Pope isn’t clear on this point. Coverage by Medicare would give death-making the status of full-fledged medical care with all which that implies. And if Medicare can provide coverage, why not Medicaid?

The proposed expansions are interrelated, each “logically” leading to the next one. If eligibility is expanded to include people who “suffer” from ongoing functional limitations or if people are allowed to pre-arrange for their deaths should they develop dementia, the question becomes practical access. This can be solved by permitting another to cause the death. If euthanasia or “assisted self-administration” is allowed, IV or lethal injection is the most expedient way to do it. Finally, coverage by Medicare normalizes the whole process. It reminds one of Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal” in which he sets forth a set of propositions which, when taken one right after another, justify Englishmen eating Irish  children. Swift was being satirical. Pope is deadly serious.

Pope’s piece is supposed to be a summary of the scope of current assisted suicide laws and the trends in expansion. His review omits one key thing though and that is the resistance!

NDY Letter Opposing Proposed SB 1196 Amendments

Not Dead Yet, the Resistance
Not Dead Yet logo

April 15, 2024

To: California Senate Health and Judiciary Committees

From: Diane Coleman, JD, President & CEO, Not Dead Yet

Re: Letter Opposing Proposed SB 1196 Amendments to the End of Life Option Act

This letter is filed on behalf of Not Dead Yet, a national disability organization headquartered in New York with members in California. We oppose the SB 1196 amendments to the California End of Life Option Act for several reasons.

ELIGIBILITY: First and most importantly, the proposed amendments provide for a greatly expanded eligibility for receiving a lethal prescription, removing the current provision based on a “terminal” diagnosis expected to lead to a natural death within six months. The SB 1196 amendment makes millions more people eligible, people with chronic conditions and disabilities who are nowhere near the “end of life” except for their proposed eligibility for assisted suicide.

SB 1196 specifically provides eligibility for people with a “grievous and irremediable medical condition” defined as “a medical condition that meets all the following criteria:

(A) The condition is a serious and incurable illness or disease.

(B) The condition has placed the individual in a state of irreversible decline in capability and the individual’s suffering is palpable without prospect of improvement.

(C) The condition is causing the individual to endure physical suffering due to the illness, disease, or state of decline that is intolerable to the individual and cannot be relieved in a manner the individual deems acceptable, and there is no proven treatment for the individual’s situation that the individual has not attempted or is willing to attempt due to the nature or side effects of the treatment.

(D) After taking into account all of the individual’s medical circumstances, it is reasonably foreseeable that the condition will become the individual’s natural cause of death. A specific prognosis as to the length of time the person has left to live shall not be required to meet this criteria.

Some U.S. doctors have already been considered overly expansive in finding assisted suicide eligibility under a “terminal” requirement (e.g., the anorexia cases), but problem cases have generally been nearly impossible to identify due to the absence of oversight under statutes adopted in the states involved. A primary rationale for passing these laws has been “they’re going to die soon anyway,” but rather than trying to prevent mistaken “terminal” labels leading to premature death, SB 1196 blows the eligibility for assisted suicide wide open.

In the original bill, Senator Blakespear included “physical or psychological suffering” in the eligibility definition but amended it to “physical suffering.” Despite that revision, it’s difficult to conclude that it really changes anything. The notion that disabled people’s suffering is caused by their disease or injury per se has been at least in part refuted by decades of studies showing that the real issues are social consequences arising from bigotry and poverty. It’s understandable that people who acquire disabilities blame their condition rather than society for the social rejection and countless forms of exclusion they experience, but it doesn’t justify society now assisting their suicide rather than correcting society’s failures.

A similar eligibility expansion occurred in Canada in 2021. Canadian press has since reported on disabled individuals getting euthanasia by lethal injection when they want to die because they can’t get housing or otherwise can’t afford to live on government payments.

Moreover, reported data from Oregon shows that the top five reasons doctors give for their patients’ assisted suicide requests are not pain or fear of future pain, but psycho-social issues that pertain to disability. Three of these (losing autonomy, losing dignity, burden on family) could be addressed by consumer-directed in-home personal care services, but the assisted suicide law operates as though the person’s reasons don’t matter, and nothing need be done to address them. Doctors are also unlikely to inform patients about services they know little to nothing about.

SB 1196 also proposes to add dementia as an eligible diagnosis, regardless of whether the elements of the definition are met. This diagnosis greatly increases the risk that the individual will be subjected to undue influence or pressure to hasten their death even though the disease is not causing physical suffering or is not intolerable to the individual. Many people with dementia are content. Especially in the context of dementia, it’s important to note that none of the medical professionals who certify lack of coercion need to have a longstanding relationship with the patient. Even the attending physician may have been brought in only to provide services related to assisted suicide. The witnesses needn’t know the person either but can just check their identity. They are unlikely to be able to identify undue influence or outright coercion, making the danger of such pressures too great.

WAITING PERIOD. Equally concerning about SB 1196 is the elimination of the “waiting” or reflection period between oral requests for lethal drugs. Research shows that depression is a common reaction to a diagnosis that involves losses in function or changes in lifestyle. It takes time for anti-depressants to work. Insufficient health care and in-home personal care services can also lead to despair. it takes time to put services in place. There is no excuse for abandoning people by hastening their deaths rather than addressing their needs. When this happens, it’s not compassion, it’s cruelty.

SELF-ADMINISTRATION. SB 1196 would allow lethal drugs to be administered by intravenous infusion. This is described to be by way of a device put in place to allow the patient to perform an act that delivers the drugs. (Dr. Jack Kevorkian developed a device that allowed his “patients” to push a button for the same purpose.)

In the absence of oral consumption of lethal drugs, the opportunities for elder abuse by another administering the drugs are increased. In about half the reported Oregon cases, there is no independent witness to consent or self-administration at the time of ingestion of the lethal drugs. According to the National Council on Aging:

Approximately one in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse. Some estimates range as high as five million elders who are abused each year. One study estimated that only one in 24 cases of abuse are reported to authorities.

If the lethal drugs were, in some cases, administered by others without consent, no one would know.

OTHER ABUSES: One of the most frequently repeated claims by proponents of assisted suicide laws is that there has not been “a single documented case of abuse or misuse.” To the contrary, please see this list of cases compiled by the California based Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Oregon and Washington State Abuses and Complications.

HEALTHCARE DISPARITIES: Research on healthcare disparities has also shown that medical providers are not immune to prevailing social biases. Making assisted suicide part of “health care” and designating doctors as its gatekeepers and administrators could only further undermine patient safety, particularly for older adults, disabled people, Black, indigenous, communities of color and other multiply marginalized people who already experience life threatening healthcare discrimination.

“GOOD FAITH” CULPABILITY STANDARD: And legislators, particularly on the Judiciary Committee, should readily see the problem with the “good faith” standard of culpability for violations of the bill’s provisions. A claim of “good faith” renders any so-called safeguards unenforceable, empty and meaningless.


Diane Coleman, JD, President & CEO

Please Help Progressives Create a Documentary About the Dangers of Medical Assisted Suicide

[Editor’s note: Not Dead Yet endorses and is supporting this film project.]

By Joan Cavanagh, Member, Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide

Public discussion about the realities of Medical Assisted Suicide (MAS) is critical. The practice is increasingly becoming normalized as a “health care” option and already inadequate safeguards and restrictions in existing laws are being eroded, so much so that even those who have previously advocated for it are having second thoughts.

At this important potential turning point in public understanding, Progressives Against Medical Assisted Suicide (PAMAS) wants to create a documentary film examining the issue in a critical light. We hope this film will add another dimension to a conversation that has thus far been dominated by religious organizations (which oppose MAS for their own reasons) and by liberal supporters who discount the disability and social justice arguments against it.

The documentary will be filmed and produced by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Karyl Evans, based in North Haven, CT. 100% of all money raised will cover the filmmaker, crew, and associated expenses. Research, writing, organizing, and review will be done by volunteer (unpaid) PAMAS members and allies.

“Better off dead” is the lens through which those of us who are old, disabled, and/or seriously ill are viewed, including by many medical professionals. Combine that prejudice and other existing healthcare disparities with the for-profit medical system and its corrosive “you don’t want to be a burden” message and you have a lethal mix. Medical Assisted Suicide only opens another avenue for impossible-to-document coercion, neglect, and abuse, both institutional and personal.

The organizations lobbying most avidly to pass MAS legislation are also hard at work to reduce the limited restrictions and safeguards in the laws that have already been enacted in 11 jurisdictions in the United States: ending state residency requirements; reducing or eliminating waiting periods; broadening the kinds of medical providers who can prescribe the lethal drugs; and expanding the categories of patients (including those with dementia) who can qualify.

PAMAS desperately needs funds to make this film. We need to raise at least $35,000 as soon as possible. Please, consider helping us present another side to this discussion.

Make your check out to Center for Disability Rights. ***IMPORTANT: Write “NDY/PAMAS” in the check memo line.*** Mail checks to NDY/PAMAS, 497 State Street, Rochester, NY 14608. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If you prefer to use NDY’s online donation button (, you must also email the project at with your name and the amount to distinguish it from other donations to NDY.

If you want more information, please contact

Not Dead Yet UK Earns Media Coverage In “Big Issue”

Our good friends at Not Dead Yet UK got some significant coverage including photos in the Big Issue publication last month. Big Issue Group describes itself as media and other “initiatives under a shared mission to create innovative solutions through enterprise, to unlock social and economic opportunity for the millions of people in the UK living in poverty.”

The article is entitled “Assisted dying: The right to die shouldn’t only be for the rich. But could legalising it harm the poor?” It fairly extensively covers both sides of the issue. Below are the NDY UK excerpts from the text:

Dennis Queen, a member of Not Dead Yet UK, says: “We want people to help us campaign for equal rights to live in the first place, not to be subjected to brutal systems that make us suicidal. I lost a friend 18 months ago to suicide mostly because of problems with the benefits service.

“It’s not that I don’t think people will opt for this. I’m worried that people will be lining up in their droves because of neglect. There is no way we can avoid that through a safeguard. So while that is the case, it’s not safe to talk about assisted suicide.”

It is an argument echoed by politicians on both sides of the spectrum. Jeremy Corbyn has advocated against it, arguing that he is “concerned that it would be open to abuse and put the most vulnerable people at risk”.

Sir Stephen Timms, Labour MP and chair of the work and pensions committee, wrote in Labour List last month: “People with disabilities, the poor and those who fear being a burden are all at risk when assisted suicide is permitted, while investing in high-quality palliative care, which is harder to access for the impoverished, can easily be marginalised when assisted suicide is allowed.”

Queen is a wheelchair user and lives with severe chronic pain which can only be relieved by morphine, and she suffers from incontinence. “My treatment plan now is to up the morphine until I die,” she says.

There have been times where she has felt suicidal and she still struggles with her mental health, but she has three children and a support system and she is grateful to be alive.

“I’m doing a lot better now,” she says. “I had the right help and my life is getting back on track. I’m starting to feel better every day. I know acutely what difference the right support makes.”

Queen has lost trust in the systems meant to protect disabled people, and she does not believe the government is capable of legalising assisted dying while still protecting the vulnerable.

Phil Friend, a disability rights campaigner and co-convenor of Not Dead Yet UK, admits there are times he has felt like a “burden” to his wife. He has had a successful career and a happy life, and he knows that his wife would hate to hear him speak like that, but it is his truth.

Friend says: “If you change this law, you make disabled people vulnerable. And that’s not right. We shouldn’t weaken laws that are there to protect people.”

Friend admits that in cases such as Norman’s [a man with cancer described in the article], it is hard to argue that he should not have had access to assisted dying, but he believes there must be a proper safety net in place to protect vulnerable people before assisted dying is an option.

Those fighting for assisted dying to be legalised believe it is possible to build a system with proper safeguards in place, arguing that people would never be approved purely due to social issues.


People on both sides of the debate agree that vulnerable people must be protected. Some believe assisted dying is the kindest option while others believe that legalising it would put the vulnerable at risk. Some argue that it would let the government off the hook, while others say it would be a wake-up call.

Friend says: “If you could convince me that the safeguards were in place – that the right palliative care and social care had been done and there was no way of relieving somebody’s pain and suffering, having done all of that, then there might be a case of saying okay.

“But we haven’t even got close to providing any of that. Our national health service, as you well know, is falling to bits. Social care is pretty non existent. The benefits system is a mess. So people are making decisions based on having nothing.

“They believe it’s better to die. And yet we know that if you give people the right accommodation, the right social care support, the right palliative medicine, they do not talk about ending their lives. They talk about living their lives.”

Is Canadian Style Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Coming to California?

A California State Senator, Catherine Blakespear, introduced a bill (SB 1196) earlier this month that resembles Canada’s law and, here in the U.S., reflects the broad agenda openly espoused by the Hemlock Society and Final Exit Network. The agenda of these organizations has long included eligibility for people with non-terminal conditions and disabilities.

When Not Dead Yet activists joined me in attending Jack “Dr. Death” Kevorkian’s trial in the late 1990s, Hemlock’s executive director Faye Girsh was there supporting him. Two thirds of his body count consisted of people with non-terminal disabilities. Girsh also advocated eligibility for people with cognitive disabilities and dementia, with or without consent. Leaders also advocated active euthanasia and “mercy killing.”

In time, these organizations evolved, split, regrouped and from them emerged Compassion and Choices, eclipsing the remains of the other organizations. Compassion and Choices was smarter and took a step-by-step approach to changing public policy. As their first executive director, Barbara Coombs Lee (who did not publicly support Kevorkian) has said, eligibility expansions are “an issue for another day.” Their focus has been on passing Oregon-style assisted suicide bills in more states which, as written, require nothing to address the reasons people request assisted suicide and preclude gathering data on how many people are coloring how far outside the lines. Nothing to see here. Please pass more bills.

So it surprised me a little to see a California Senator introduce a bill (SB 1196) in a state where assisted suicide is already legal, a bill that would blow eligibility wide open by replacing the term “terminal disease” with:

“grievous and irremediable medical condition,” defined as a medical condition that (1) is a serious and incurable illness or disease, (2) has placed the individual in a state of irreversible decline in capability, (3) is causing the individual to endure physical or psychological suffering due to the illness, disease, or state of decline that is intolerable to the individual and cannot be relieved in a manner the individual deems acceptable, and (4) after taking into account all of the individual’s medical circumstances, it is reasonably foreseeable that the condition will become the individual’s natural cause of death. (Bill Summary)

So much for us here at NDY, and millions of disabled people. No more suicide prevention for us. It’s been, well, a generation since assisted suicide proponents in the U.S. have made it so very obvious that disabled people are targeted by these laws. They’ve been trying to claim it’s not about us. They say disability alone is not enough to be eligible. Never mind that everyone who gets lethal drugs is disabled. Never mind that disability related concerns are people’s reasons for requesting assisted suicide. Nothing to see here. It looks like Blakespear didn’t get the memo.

As with the Kevorkian situation, Compassion and Choices has already announced opposition to Blakespear’s bill, noting that the current California assisted suicide law comes up for renewal in 2031.

So far, Blakespear is the only sponsor. It had best stay that way.

[Supplement: A Deseret News article provided a copy of a bill summary which appears to be from Blakespear’s office.]