Transcript for Fox News Story on Kevorkian

As promised, this is the transcript of the video linked in the last post:

JACK KEVORKIAN, ASSISTED SUICIDE ADVOCATE: The only qualification you need is what I said, you’re a citizen.

JEFF GOLDBLATT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He has been called Dr. Death. But soon assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian hopes to replace that nickname with the title of congressman.

KEVORKIAN: I want to run for Congress to make a change. I want to fight for our rights.

GOLDBLATT: Specifically a person’s individual rights, as spelled out in the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution. Though vague and far reaching, the Ninth Amendment protects rights not explicitly specified elsewhere in the Constitution. Kevorkian called it the most fundamental and ignored of all rights.

KEVORKIAN: It says that you have every right in the world, because you’re born with them, as long as nobody gets hurt or threatened or their property is not hurt or threatened, you have every right in the world.

GOLDBLATT: Including a run for Congress, which a 79-year-old convicted felon retains despite serving more than eight years in prison for the assisted suicide of a Michigan man. During the 90s Kevorkian claims to have helped 130 people die, a legacy which makes him a poor choice for Congress, according to disability rights advocate Stephen Drake.

STEPHEN DRAKE, DISABILITY RIGHTS ADVOCATE: Kevorkian has never fought for anybody’s rights but his own. He wants to be the center of attention. That’s what this is about.

KEVORKIAN: Do you think I’m making a mockery of it when I’m fighting for my rights? Goethe said, “No one is more enslaved than the one who thinks he is free.” You’re not free! Look at me. I did something that it should have been anybody’s right to do and I end up in prison.

GOLDBLATT: Kevorkian says on reputation alone, he will collect the 3,000 signatures by mid July to be placed on the ballot as an independent in Michigan’s Ninth District. His opponents, the former Michigan lottery commissioner and Democrat Gary Peters and eight term GOP incumbent Joe Knollenberg, tell Fox News they want to focus on the economy and not Kevorkian. One political science professor says Kevorkian could be a factor in this race, but Dave Dulio predicts that Kevorkian won’t win partly because he won’t take campaign contributions.

DAVE DULIO, OAKLAND UNIVERSITY POLI SCI PROF: He has name identification, yes, but you can’t get elected on name identification alone. You need to tell people why they should vote for you rather than the other candidates. That’s
what he can’t do with no money.

GOLDBLATT: Kevorkian stresses it is an independent message that counts, not the money.

KEVORKIAN: Nobody in any party or any religion really has a free mind.

GOLDBLATT (on camera): Kevorkian says he won’t hire a campaign staff. He will meet voters the old-fashioned way, face to face. Most candidates wouldn’t stand a chance with such a low profile strategy then again the high profile Jack Kevorkian is far from your typical politician. In Chicago, Jeff Goldblatt, Fox News.

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