Bloggers Remember Paul Longmore

Since I wrote yesterday, there have been many moving tributes to Paul Longmore from friends, colleagues – and many who have been affected by his academic work and political advocacy.

His facebook page is filled with messages of appreciation and remembrance.  I don’t know if his page is viewable to non-facebook users or even to nonfriends on facebook, but you could check it out to find out.

Here is a list – I can’t pretend it’s complete – of blog entries mourning the loss of Paul Longmore and reflecting on his life and work:

Also, Joe Shapiro has posted a long obituary on the NPR health blog (yes – we know what Paul might say about ending up on the health blog).

I apologize to any blogger – especially any disability blogger – I haven’t linked to.  I’m sure this list isn’t comprehensive – and I am also sure that there are new blogs that have been posted since I started writing this post.  I’ll do a new search tomorrow and share ones I either overlooked or that have been published since the completion of this post.

I’ll also try to put together a set of links on articles and/or interviews with Paul Longmore that are NDY-related.  I’ll include one that was a collaborative effort – between myself, Diane Coleman, and Paul.

Still waiting for any San Francisco mainstream media to notice that a great man has died.  –Stephen Drake

2 thoughts on “Bloggers Remember Paul Longmore

  1. I just checked his FB and both his Info (at least part of it) and his Wall are visible to anyone logged into Facebook (friend or not, and I’m not).

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