Category Archives: california

Marilyn Golden in Sacramento Bee: Assisted Suicide Fraught with Consequences

On Sunday, July 14th, the Sacramento Bee published an excellent op-ed by Marilyn Golden countering a previously published piece promoting assisted suicide.  Here’s an excerpt from her response essay, titled “Assisted suicide fraught with consequences“: Efforts to legalize assisted suicide have been attempted in California three times, each time failing due to broad bipartisan opposition … Continue reading Marilyn Golden in Sacramento Bee: Assisted Suicide Fraught with Consequences

NDY quoted in Pew Trusts’ Stateline: New End-of-Life Measure Quietly Sweeps the Nation

This week, the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Stateline carried an article entitled “New End-of-Life Measure Quietly Sweeps the Nation.”  The measure described is Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), sometimes also called Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST).  According to the National POLST Paradigm website, POLST originated in 1991, and 14 states had adopted it by … Continue reading NDY quoted in Pew Trusts’ Stateline: New End-of-Life Measure Quietly Sweeps the Nation

Bad Cripple – Assisted Suicide: No Assistance Wanted

On March 21st, the Monterey County Herald published an op-ed by Neil Shapiro, which was, until the last paragraph, a fairly unremarkable and unoriginal promotion of legalized assisted suicide.  The author praised Jack Kevorkian and the states of Oregon and Washington – the two states that have legalized physician-prescribed suicide for people believed to have less … Continue reading Bad Cripple – Assisted Suicide: No Assistance Wanted

Disability Activists “Greet” Euthanasia Activist in San Francisco

This just in from Marilyn Golden, Policy Analyst at Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF): (The date for the events below was November 10, 2009) On Tuesday morning, three anti-assisted suicide advocates from the San Francisco Bay Area disability community, Paul Longmore, Walter Park, and myself came to the San Francisco Buddhist Center (which … Continue reading Disability Activists “Greet” Euthanasia Activist in San Francisco

NDY Discussed at “Bisexuality Across Cultures Event” – the Message AND the Messenger Matter!

I was at a conference last week and will be writing about that later today. In the meantime, I wanted to share a few excerpts from, about a “Bisexuality Across Cultures” event held on May 27th. Assisted suicide, euthanasia and NDY came up in this event. Here’s the intro: The Bisexual Forum of San … Continue reading NDY Discussed at “Bisexuality Across Cultures Event” – the Message AND the Messenger Matter!