John Kelly’s Response to IOM Online Survey or “We Love Our Tubes!”

…. A few minutes earlier, she had given me the notification form for my annual flu shot. But nothing to accompany the MOLST form. She didn’t receive any training, either. And while I was confident filling out the form, others may not be. I believe people should receive notice that they will be hit with this kind of form, and be able to have another person present when the discussion happens. I know people in my community who have been badgered abou…

Bill Peace’s Hastings Center Article (on a disturbing hospital experience) and Three Commentaries Are All Online

…d a stage IV skin breakdown – with a long treatment process that was physically and emotionally grueling by his own accounts. While Bill was hospitalized – and at one of his lowest points healthwise – he was subjected to a late night visit by a hospitalist. Laying out a grim set of possible outcomes for Bill’s health crisis, the doctor seemed to be urging Bill to just discontinue antibiotics and let himself be given palliative care to be pain-free…

Apologies and Explanations – Back Online Next Week

…en from the list of presenters on the NLDA site: STEPHEN DRAKE, Research Analyst, Policy Analyst and Organizer Presentation: “No one told me I shouldn’t be able to do this.” Stephen Drake is a researcher, policy analyst and organizer. He’ll share his journey of awareness and development of successful strategies — a journey in which his struggles with “deficits” have turned out to be as important in helping him in his work as his strengths. Stephen…

Time for a Little Humor

…that he considered “irreverence” and “a sense of humor” as two extremely important qualities in activists and organizers. The ability to ridicule and laugh at the bigotry and “better dead than disabled” rhetoric that pervades our world keeps us fresh and ready for the new day and the next step in the struggle. Finding topical things that cause those of us around here to laugh are a cause for celebration. This latest is from The Onion – “America’s…

Oppose the Legalization of Assisted Suicide!

…on treatment and lose good years of their lives. • Careless: No psychological evaluation is required. People with a history of depression and suicide attempts have received the lethal drugs. • Burden: Financial and emotional pressures can also make people choose death. • Unnecessary: Everyone already has the right to refuse treatment and get full palliative care, including, if dying in pain, pain-relieving palliative sedation. • No true safeguards…