Stephen Hawking Endorses Assisted Suicide, Saying “We Don’t Let Animals Suffer,” Proving that Being a Genius in One Area Doesn’t Stop You From Saying Stupid Stuff Outside of That Area

…in. In many cases, there is no single, clear reason. – See more at: the statistics on the euthanasia rates of animal rates in shelters paint a grim picture. The reasons owners abandon them there aren’t very pretty either: * They are abandoned and unwanted. According to the American Humane Association, “56% of dogs and 71% of cats that enter animal shelt…

Chicago NDY Visits Final Exit Network’s Annual Meeting

…” the group’s “assistance. Just to make sure nothing is left to doubt, the site adds: Others who are facing protracted, losing battles with cancer, stroke, congestive heart failure, emphysema and other incurable conditions yearn for dignified withdrawal rather than clinging desperately to every breath. Many of these individuals are not being served. Final Exit Network will serve these and many others like them. MYTH: FEN “Exit Guides” only provide…

Anderson Cooper, CNN and Kevorkian – Advertising Masquerading as Journalism

…describes – inaccurately – Kevorkian in exactly the same way that the HBO site promoting the docudrama does – highlighted in yesterday’s blog entry. Here’s a line from the description of Cooper’s interview with Kevorkian: The film stars Al Pacino, who plays Kevorkian, the controversial physician who assisted terminally ill patients die. Kevorkian became a controversial figure in the debate surrounding physician-assisted suicide. In the clip above…

Disability Activists, Assisted Suicide and the Land of Oz

…(Dr.) Oz. Ari Ne’eman was invited to write and post an essay on the Dr. Oz site. It’s titled Death on Demand: Risks and Responsibilities. Here’s an excerpt: There are many critical civil rights issues facing Americans with disabilities and chronic health conditions – but the right to die is not one of them. Over the last 15 years, Americans have been engaged in an intensely controversial debate as to whether or not states should legalize assisted…

John Kelly Gives His Take on the NDY Protest of the World Federation Conference

…ission. We left doubting that we would ever hear back or see a reporter on site. A plan was hatched on Friday to block enough doors of the hotel so that conference attendees leaving for their gala dinner ½ mile away would have to pass by chanting protesters. I was part of the group that blocked one end of the driveway and then the doors connecting the hotel to the valet parking area. I was nervous but everyone else seemed matter of fact, including…