BBC World Service – Liz Carr Presents Part 1 of “Euthanasia Road Trip” Documentary

….” Part 1 has aired and is available to listen to on the BBC World Service site. Here’s how the site describes the documentary: The debate over assisted suicide and euthanasia is a passionate one. But as the discussions continue to rage around the world, there are a few places where assisted death is already legal. Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Oregon and Washington States in the US all have laws permitting assisted suicid…

Joseph Fins, Expert on Consciousness, Calls for Temperance re: Organ Solicitation and Severe Brain Injury

…merican Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH). More from his faculty site: His current scholarly interests include ethical and policy issues in brain injury and disorders of consciousness, palliative care, research ethics in neurology and psychiatry, medical education and methods of ethics case consultation. He is a co-author of the landmark 2007 Nature paper describing the first use of deep brain stimulation in the minimally conscious state…

Rochester, NY: “Don’t buy into ‘aid in dying’” Guest Column by NDY’s Stephen Drake

…first paragraph. I would appreciate it if folks would go to the newspaper site to read the whole article – newspapers do take note of the number of hits each article gets. Feel free to submit comments, of course. Don’t buy into ‘aid in dying’ Recently, you’re hearing and reading a lot about “aid in dying” — a relatively new term that is increasingly used in place of “assisted suicide.” You’re also being told that the issues surrounding assisted s…

ADAPT’s Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19 On Barrier Free Futures

…Yet and if you have the DREDF one also, but if not they can get it on your site. But this is important, if you could give that information. Diane Coleman: Sure. Well, our website is Just three words all together, no spaces,, and then DREDF is Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, the acronym and actually, if you just go there at this point, the first thing there is the COVID, the link to their C…

I’m Doing the Fun*Run to Support ADAPT and Disability Rights

…familiar with ADAPT, here’s a brief overview (copied and edited from ADAPT site): For over 25 years, ADAPT has been a leader in the fight for accessible public transportation, the redirection of public funds from nursing homes and institutions to community-based services, and for a national personal assistance policy based on functional need, not diagnosis. ADAPT strategies include using civil disobedience as a tool to garner public attention and…