Disability Advocates Push for Better Healthcare for Jerika Bolen

…Jerika, as well as disability competent mental health counseling. Based on news coverage of our August 4th letter, Disability groups seek to intervene in teen’s plan to die, the Wisconsin protection and advocacy organization reportedly made the same request. But as of today, we don’t know whether Jerika and her mother decided to continue with the plan to enter hospice, we don’t know whether the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families decided…

NY Times Quotes Diane Coleman – but without context

…ists, who have made death their life’s work. They study how to deliver bad news, and they do it again and again. They know secrets like who, as a rule, takes it better. They know who is more likely to suffer silently, and when is the best time to suggest a do-not-resuscitate order. Palliative care has become a recognized subspecialty, with fellowships, hospital departments and medical school courses aimed at managing patients’ last months. It has…

Rochester, NY: “Don’t buy into ‘aid in dying’” Guest Column by NDY’s Stephen Drake

…erpted the first paragraph. I would appreciate it if folks would go to the newspaper site to read the whole article – newspapers do take note of the number of hits each article gets. Feel free to submit comments, of course. Don’t buy into ‘aid in dying’ Recently, you’re hearing and reading a lot about “aid in dying” — a relatively new term that is increasingly used in place of “assisted suicide.” You’re also being told that the issues surrounding…

Disability Advocates Call for Restraint and Responsibility in Murder Coverage

…e press at this time. We sincerely hope this allegation turns out to be untrue. And we are all hoping that the young girl pulls through this medical crisis. But if it is true, it’s time to demand that the media and parent “advocates” behave with more restraint and responsibility than they have in the coverage of the alleged murder of 3-year-old Katie McCarron by her mother. Coverage of the alleged murder of Katie McCarron has been dominated by dis…

Lisa Blumberg: Recent Medscape Survey Indicates that Doctors are Divided on Life and Death Issues

…espond to public opinion and shifts in sentiments but the reverse is also true, i.e. doctors have political and social clout on issues deemed medical in nature. To a large extent, the public takes its cue from them. We need to continue working with our allies in the medical community to educate health care professionals on the corrupting influences of legal assisted suicide. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal for patients in intractable pa…