Monday Media: Interview on “What’s Up With Bioethics”

I didn’t get around to any blogging over the weekend. And Monday went a little out of control, so I didn’t get to announce my appearance on Mark Mostert‘s webcast of “What’s Up With Bioethics?

It turns out that may have been a good thing after all. When I announce an appearance on a live broadcast, only a handful of people at most are able to tune in. Luckily, the show is archived on the site and the one hour discussion is available for your listening pleasure (mp3 format).

I think the conversation is worth a listen. Mark and I come from very different perspectives on a number of things. For starters, we could probably spend a couple of hours arguing about facilitated communication, a topic about which we both have strong and directly opposed positions.

However, he and I are in strong agreement about the topics of euthanasia and assisted suicide. It seems obvious to both of us that the devaluation of people with disabilities is at the center of the rhetoric and logic used by proponents of “death with dignity.”

I think it was an interesting hour. The first 15 minutes was a little rambling on my part. I get that way when I am asked to talk about myself in an open-ended fashion.

The rest of the show covered topics such as the history of the euthanasia movement, significant players in the movement, it’s possible future, and how the latest fallout from criminal investigations of the Final Exit Network might affect the debate in the days, weeks and months to come. –Stephen Drake

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