PushBlack Podcast: The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron

Anita Cameron’s interview on the PushBlack podcast was broadcast on June 20th:

Jay (host): Harriet Tubman, Bradley Lomax, Joyce Ardell Jackson, Denmark Vesey, these are only a handful of Black activists you may know, who rebelled, demanded justice, fought for freedom, and played unquestionably significant roles in the continued journey towards liberation. What you might not know, however, is that these and many more activists were disabled. I’m Jay from PushBlack, and you’re listening to Black History Year.

So, today, disabled Black folks represent nearly half of us who are killed or brutalized by police, and their stories and their struggles are often overlooked when we talk about liberation. So, whether it’s a lack of awareness or perhaps bias, our guest today will shed light on this group that’s often made invisible, even within the Black community. As a disability rights activist and advocate, Anita Cameron has dedicated almost 40 years to community organizing and making sure that folks with disabilities have equitable rights in society. For protesting and civil disobedience, Anita has been arrested over 100 times fighting this fight. She’s also the Director of Minority Outreach at Not Dead Yet, a national disability rights organization that fights against physician-assisted suicide and the euthanasia of people with disabilities. Whether these disabilities be related to physical or mental health, many of these challenges go ignored, and it needs to be addressed. So, today, we’ll chat with Anita.

For the full transcript, go HERE.

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